Of course it works on other devices as well
And can be utilized by students and support staff alike to reduce frustration and save time and money!

Responsive design
Mobile first, but looks great on all devices.
Almost every student on your campus owns a smartphone. And they use them. For everything. All day long. MyFi is designed to work great and look great on smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops.
Your institution, your branding
Designed to adopt your institution's look & feel
Your institution's image and reputation are embodied in a identity. A logo. A color scheme. A brand. MyFi is designed to adopt your brand so you can make it your own.

Reduce the waiting. Reduce the frustration. Reduce the melt.
MyFi empowers students. They can view their information in real time. Make decisions and act on requirements. Anytime. Anywhere.
Product Features

Lighweight Mobile UI
A light, mobile-optimized UI allows students to access their financial aid application using the device the use the most — their phone.
Task Focused
Students have some important tasks to complete before getting their financial aid. MyFi steps them through tasks they need to complete, as well as showing them the information they want to know now.
A Brand New Experience Built on an Established System
MyFi gives a clean, modern view of the financial aid package and process, while relying on the battle-tested business logic of ProSAM so you know that your financial aid awards are always compliant.
Building on the experience of existing student portals
MyFi builds on the most common functionality of some of the most successful student financial aid portals. Over time this functionality will be extended to the less common financial aid functions, always keeping an eye on configuration and best practices.

The Functionality Your Students Need
Students can view budget information and the financial package offered, including viewing the package as the federal shopping sheet (both as a web page and as a downloadable PDF).
They can view different aid categories, and accept, decline or alter acceptance of awards.
They can get at-a-glance information such as upcoming payments, aid breakdown and disbursement amounts.
View their data either by year or by academic term.
A "Virtual assistant" guides your students to the pages they need to see, where they can
view outstanding documentation needed by the financial aid office, including links to information to assist students in completing their requirements. They can
view issues relating to financial aid processing so that they can be proactive in addressing problems. They can
Report outside resources to the financial aid office and enter
both expected enrollment and housing information.

The functionality you need
MyFi answers simple questions about financial aid so that your staff are freed to work on more personalized cases.
What’s my award?
When is my next payment?
Why didn’t I get my financial aid?
What documents do you need?
Did you get my …?
What do I have to do to get aid?
I’m going to attend summer. What do I do?
Can I get my shopping sheet?

Built to withstand the peaks
Cloud-based technology allows us to increase capacity when the system gets busy for those inevitable peaks in activity on the system.
Builds on your SSO solution ensuring that you control who has access to the system
Student’s financial aid data is only kept for the duration of the session
All data on the move is encrypted
Continuous Improvement
Web technologies do not age well. What was a great application design ten years ago on a 1024x768 monitor probably doesn’t still look so great on the range of screen sizes that are more common today. Commonly, your IT department wants to write this web portal and move on to new projects. MyFi is designed to be continually updated to ensure it remains usable and relevant for years to come.
Take a look for yourself
It’s the new financial aid advisor who never goes home.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do my students access the system?
You can provide your students with a branded URL that will allow them to access the MyFi system. Leveraging your single sign-on solution, the student will then be able to authenticate and start to use the system.
Does this support the federal shopping sheet?
Yes. So long as your financial aid system is configured to provide the shopping sheet data, MyFi will create both the web view and the PDF of the shopping sheet and provided it to the student.
Is the system accessible?
Yes. Accessibility was a forethought of the design and as the application improves it is regularly scanned for compliance with Section 508 and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
Is MyFi available as a downloadable (native) application for iOS or Android?
MyFi is presently a web application. We are looking to produce a downloadable application in the near future.
What are the benefits of using a solution like MyFi over writing my own application?
Your IT department may certainly do a fine job of writing a student-facing financial aid system. But with limited budgets and time, commonly, once you have a working system, most IT shops only have the bandwidth to produce minor updates and upgrades when absolutely necessary. Oftentimes, this means that your web presence starts to feel dated quickly, as both your students’ expectations as well as the ways in which your students are interacting with your system change over time. The focus of MyFi is to provide an excellent experience and maintain that experience over time by continually improving the product.
Financial aid is complicated. How can this app get it right?
MyFi relies on the backend processing and configuration of your existing financial aid solution that you trust to keep you in compliance. We have kept the business logic of financial aid to a minimum in the applicating, to maintain a good separation of concerns between MyFi and your financial aid back end. By allowing much of the complexity of financial aid to be processed elsewhere, we are able to concentrate on giving your students the a simple experience with the look and feel they expect.
im+m, inc.
im+m brings together information technologists and subject-matter experts to develop exceptional higher education IT projects. As a part of every project we assemble a unique team consisting of our specialists, contributors from colleges and universities, and subject matter experts from industry. Project development follows the successful “open research and development” model combining talent and sharing resources in a transparent open-information environment.